Category: Biblical Marriage

I have enjoyed reading the daily prayers in the book, it helps me look through scripture and find what the Spirit leads me to pray each morning.  If you are new to praying with purpose, I encourage you to really focus on the words of the prayers in the book, and the words in the

Abba Father, I ask that you would give my husband the desire to walk in accordance to Your Will and Gifting in his life.  I ask that you set him apart as a man who is worthy of that calling.  You have placed him in a role of leadership.  He is a husband, father, brother,

I truly believe that the only way to know love is to know God.  We must know who our Creator and Redeemer is before we can know who we are.  It is when we realize who He is that we realize what love is.  So, my prayer today is that my husband know God, and

Today’s prayer suggestion is for empathy and compassion, as usual I opened my Bible and found that praying the Word in context seemed very fitting for my marriage.  So, I went that route. Abba Father, You alone have raised us with Christ, therefore help us seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting

In today’s reading from the 40 Prayers for My Spouse series by Fierce Marriage the topic for the husband and wife actually go hand in hand.  The husband’s are praying about contentment, and the wives are praying about joy.  Whenever I think of the word, joy, I think of strength.  As in, the Joy of

Abba Father, This morning the prayer guide suggests I pray for my husband to have meaningful relationships with others, friends, brothers. Our lives are so full of relationships.  We have such a large family, and sometimes the responsibilities of being the head of such a large family can out shadow the relationships.  I ask that

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