Category: Sabbath

Recently, we had a family move from several states away to come join our local fellowship (church, if you will).  That seems like a radical decision to make.  But in reality, it is one of the wisest things we can do for our family, our children.  Having a place to meet weekly on Sabbath, as

Why should I keep Sabbath? Because the Bible tells me so!!  Sabbath points us back to the Creator: Genesis 1-3  Yehovah God created rest: Genesis 2:2-3  It’s the Fourth Commandment of the Big Ten: Exodus 20  Yehovah wrote it with His own finger in stone: Exodus 16  It’s a symbol of our salvation: Exodus 31:17  We

As I have been looking through the web to find great resources for reading through the Bible and coloring, I came across a very cool site.  This site has several coloring books that take a child through each feast including the weekly Sabbath from Genesis to Revelation.  Each book has full scriptures and beautiful coloring

When I was younger, especially when I was a young mom, I worried a lot.  I worried if I was a good wife, I worried if I was a good daughter, I worried if I was a good sister, I worried if I was a good Christian, I worried if I was “good enough.”  I

Recently, some friends of mine, were told they we no longer “saved” because they stopped going to church on Sunday.  My friends had not denied that Yeshua is the son of God, and the promised Messiah.  In fact, the reason they stopped going to Sunday church was because they realized they needed to obey the

  During this time in our nation were everyone has been forced to stop and slow down, and stay home, I have been praying that my nation would take this time to really rest in Yehovah.  Our society is all about getting it done.  We are a hard working, fast paced people.  We put so