Category: Biblical Marriage

When I was a child my parents were very organized and routine.  I thought all families were until I got old enough to go to my friends’ houses.  I think some people just naturally prefer routine and order.  I think some of us run to order and routine because the chaos of life is too

Updated:8/16/2022A friend asked me what I would do if my sixteen-year-old daughter asked to have a boyfriend? That is a big question.  Another question we get often is, do your kids date or court?  I think there is a lot to these questions, but the simple answer is it doesn’t matter what you call it. 

This past week I spent the whole week with my extended family.  Every year we get together for a week.  This is a huge gathering of people coming and going all week.  I have sixteen siblings, so you can imagine when we all get together with our children, and their children it is a large

Disclaimer:  Sadly in this very fallen world there are people who are stuck in marriages that they did not mean to be in.  I encourage parents to train your children to ask the write questions before marriage.  That being said, this post is not written to the man or woman who may be in a

Read Colossians 3 In yesterday’s post, I wrote about premarital relationships and sex.  Today, we are going to take a look at what the Bible says about sex within a marriage. Sadly, there is not enough open discussion in the body of believers on this topic.  So many marriages are in trauma mode and many

Read 1 Corinthians 6 Let’s talk about sex and what the Bible says about it. We often assume that we all come from the same background in regards to understanding sex.  But sadly most people have no idea of what God’s Word actually says about this matter. Those who grew up in a religious home

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