Category: Family

Help, I have a rebellious child! I hear this more often than you would imagine.  I thought I would address this issue today. Before I get into it let’s ask, “What is  a rebellious child?” We need to determine if it truly is rebellion that is the issue. Rebellion is a serious issue.  God’s Word

Sukkot, What is that? I have been asked this question many times.  I usually say, it is a Biblical feast that God commanded His people to do, and our family likes to do Bible in things in Bible ways. But, I thought I would share a little more about Sukkot for anyone out there that

Read day ten in Ten Days at 10 Gates Today, we prepare to pass through the Inspection Gate.  This is a interesting, but long article about the East Gate and Inspection Gate. Inspection Gate As we finish our journey through the gates around Jerusalem we find ourselves outside the inspection/judgement gate.  So often I find

In the Bible, specifically in Leviticus 23, we are given an outline of God’s Holy Days. The Days that the Creator of the world set aside to meet with His people. In a recent post, I focused on the day called, Yom Teruah, Day of Shouting. Ten days after Yom Teruah is Yom Kippur, the

Yom Teruah, Day of Trumpets,  is observed on the first day of the seventh Biblical month.  This is in the fall usually in the month of September.  This year it was on September 17th, 2023. Ten days after Yom Teruah is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, also called the Time of Teshuva.  It is

Chag Shamach! Happy Holiday, Happy Feast!!!! Did you know that today is a feast of Yehovah God? This feast actually begins with the sighting of the new moon. Let’s take a quick look at scripture.  There are three clear passages of scripture about this commanded Holy Day. The Feast of Trumpets 23 Then the Lord spoke to Moses,

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