Category: Biblical Living

I have been thinking about marriage and money this week.  Often money issues cause great division in a marriage.  My parents taught us to manage our money.  When I was a child my parents taught us money management from a program called, Money Matters by Larry Burkett.  In more recent years they have also recommended,

Often in life we find ourselves comparing.  Comparing our kids to our sister’s kids.  Comparing our farm to our neighbor’s farm.  Comparing our car to our parent’s car.  Comparing our job to our friend’s job.  Comparing our talents, our abilities, our lives.  This is a terrible way to live life. There is someone that we

I grew up in a wonderful home.  My parents made Jesus Christ the Lord of their lives the year I was born.  They were what some might say, “Radically Saved.”  They were on fire for God, and we were at every church event, and my parents attended weekly Bible Study.  They became foster parents, and

I have been receiving a lot of emails, calls, and text from mom’s who are excited and a bit overwhelmed about their new discovery that all scripture is for our benefit and blessing.  They read a book, or heard a podcast, or saw a teaching, and a friend told them about God’s feasts, Sabbath day,

When I first became pregnant with my first child, I was super excited.  I knew I wanted to parent a lot like my own parents, but I also wanted to be the very best mom ever.  I got books, and went to classes at church, and listened to everyone’s advice.  When my daughter was born,

Read 1 Peter The church teaches many things about how a Biblical marriage should look, and the world’s idea of marriage is far from Godly.  So, I want to take some time to really ponder, what does the Bible teach us about marriage and what the husband and wife relationship should be like. I am

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