Category: Biblical Living

As I began writing about the spring feasts, I was asked if our family celebrates Purim.  The answer to that question is sometimes. Let me explain. What is Purim? Purim is a holiday that is celebrated at the end of the book of Esther.  So, let’s go there and see what the Bible says… Esther

I was asked how our family celebrates the Passover each year.  I thought I would share my answer here for anyone else who may be curious about it. As for how our family celebrates Passover, we try to stick to scripture over tradition. Therefore, we have tried to keep it simple.  We begin reading the

Read Colossians 3 In yesterday’s post, I wrote about premarital relationships and sex.  Today, we are going to take a look at what the Bible says about sex within a marriage. Sadly, there is not enough open discussion in the body of believers on this topic.  So many marriages are in trauma mode and many

Read 1 Corinthians 6 Let’s talk about sex and what the Bible says about it. We often assume that we all come from the same background in regards to understanding sex.  But sadly most people have no idea of what God’s Word actually says about this matter. Those who grew up in a religious home

Read Jude 1 Last Friday the kids and I read the book of Jude for our morning devotional.  If you are not familiar with this book it is found in the New Testament scriptures.  It is the last book before Revelation.  Jude is a very short book of the Bible, it is only 25 verses

Read 1 Corinthians 3 Many people know me as a “Torah Observant” Christian.  This title is understood to mean that I believe that the foundation of Scripture is found in the first five books of the Hebrew/Christian Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.  Sadly, many Torah Observant believers, stop there.  They study the Torah

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