Category: Biblical Living

Recently, we had a family move from several states away to come join our local fellowship (church, if you will).  That seems like a radical decision to make.  But in reality, it is one of the wisest things we can do for our family, our children.  Having a place to meet weekly on Sabbath, as

Why should I keep Sabbath? Because the Bible tells me so!!  Sabbath points us back to the Creator: Genesis 1-3  Yehovah God created rest: Genesis 2:2-3  It’s the Fourth Commandment of the Big Ten: Exodus 20  Yehovah wrote it with His own finger in stone: Exodus 16  It’s a symbol of our salvation: Exodus 31:17  We

Disclaimer:  Sadly in this very fallen world there are people who are stuck in marriages that they did not mean to be in.  I encourage parents to train your children to ask the write questions before marriage.  That being said, this post is not written to the man or woman who may be in a

When I was a child I loved the song, “Father Abraham.”  Every week at children’s church I wanted to sing it.  You know the one, where you move your arms, then you march your feet, and nod your head, turn around, and finally sit down.  Being a sure hyper child this was an ingenious song

The Biblical Feasts are such beautiful celebrations of God’s love for His people.  When I first learned about them I was overwhelmed and unsure how to celebrate each one. Now many years later, I look forward to each feast and can’t wait to do them. Often people know the feasts Passover, Hanukah, and even Purim. 

Often we hear the saying, “faith in action,”  but a more accurate phrase would be faith is action.  Faith is the action we take in regards to what we believe.  Faith is the evidence of what we believe. In the Bible there is a passage often referred to as the Hall of Faith.  It lists

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