Author: Katie

This morning in our school reading we read Leviticus chapter 19.  This whole chapter is a long list of rules the YHVH gives Moses to give to the Israelite people.  Some of them are easy and simple to understand, some of them seem silly to us, and some of them make very little sense to

  So, It is spring at our house. We don’t officially call it spring here until after Tyler Ann’s birthday. So, in the Hirn house here in Michigan today is our official first day of Spring. With a change in season, we have a change in our menu. We start using the grill more and

It is hard to believe 20 years ago, today, I became a mom.  After a healthy 40 weeks of pregnancy, I gave birth to my first child.  She came out kicking and screaming.  Letting us know from day one that she was a determined one.  And even though she was born with three holes in

Not too long ago, someone said they didn’t like to be around me, because they feel like I am always judging them.  A few years ago, I may have been hurt by such a statement, or even want to defend myself or fix the problem.  But, I know that in this particular situation I did

In my last post, I concluded with the question did Jesus do away with the law or part of the law?  Here is the passages I was looking at.  Today I want to take a close look at these scriptures to see if it is wrong to continue ot keep the laws given to Moses

I have been sharing my thoughts as I read from my personal Bible each day.  So, here is a copy of the passage in 1 John chapter 3 that I read this past week.  Again, I have marked the passage as I have in my own Bible.  One of the reason i have chosen to

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