Category: Parenting

As I said in the introduction, this challenge is an opportunity to spend the next thirty days being intentional about praying for a child or children. I hope you had time to decide and write down the name or names of the child/children you will be praying for the next 30 days.  If not take

Children are a gift and blessing from God.  Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, pastors, mentors, and family friends are all so important in a child’s life.  No matter how you are related to a child, you have the ability to bless that child.  One of the best ways to bless a child is to pray

Recently, I reposted an article I wrote several years ago. In this article I share some things I have learned in raising children that are difficult. Today, I want to share four reasons I see as the root reason for children misbehaving and what I have learned I can do to help my child. I

Help, I have a rebellious child! I hear this more often than you would imagine.  I thought I would address this issue today. Before I get into it let’s ask, “What is  a rebellious child?” We need to determine if it truly is rebellion that is the issue. Rebellion is a serious issue.  God’s Word

  Can I spoil my baby?  If I feed my baby on demand am I telling her she is the boss?  If I hold my baby to put him down for a nap, am I spoiling him? I have had people ask me these questions a lot.  I am sure it’s because I come from

Recently, I reposted about the fact that we don’t allow our children to just date.  Since I posted it, many people have asked my husband and I, ” what’s the difference, isn’t dating the same as courting?” I thought I would follow up that post with a little more clarity to our courtship rules and

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