Author: Katie

As I said in the introduction, this challenge is an opportunity to spend the next thirty days being intentional about praying for a child or children. I hope you had time to decide and write down the name or names of the child/children you will be praying for the next 30 days.  If not take

As I said in the introduction, this challenge is an opportunity to spend the next thirty days being intentional about praying for a child or children. I hope you had time to decide and write down the name or names of the child/children you will be praying for the next 30 days.  If not take

So, my life is busy, and I am loving it.  When it rains it pours, and that means that Spring is coming.  With all my big girls getting married and moving out to their own homes and having their own families, my home life shifts.  On top of that I have to be intentional to

As I said in the introduction, this challenge is an opportunity to spend the next thirty days being intentional about praying for a child or children. I hope you had time to decide and write down the name or names of the child/children you will be praying for the next 30 days.  If not take

As I said in the introduction, this challenge is an opportunity to spend the next thirty days being intentional about praying for a child or children. I hope you had time to decide and write down the name or names of the child/children you will be praying for the next 30 days.  If not take

Children are a gift and blessing from God.  Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, pastors, mentors, and family friends are all so important in a child’s life.  No matter how you are related to a child, you have the ability to bless that child.  One of the best ways to bless a child is to pray

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