Category: Torah/Bible

Read Matthew 26-27 I got behind on posting our family journey to redemption series.  But yesterday, we celebrated Passover as a family.  So, I wanted to take a minute and post some conversations that we had about Passover, redemption, Yeshua, and repentance. My children and I have been reading from the old and new testament

Last Spring, I began working on a study guide to be used as a family before, during, and after the Spring feasts.  The goal is to outline a fun Bible study that takes the family on the journey with the Israelites out of Egypt into the wilderness, and through to the Feast of Weeks, at

Last Spring, I began working on a study guide to be used as a family before, during, and after the Spring feasts.  The goal is to outline a fun Bible study that takes the family on the journey with the Israelites out of Egypt into the wilderness, and through to the Feast of Weeks, at

This morning my oldest daughter asked her sisters, “If someone asked you what is the Gospel, what would you answer?”  One of her sisters answered, “1 Corinthians 15.”  She then went on to say what 1 Corinthians 15 says in her own words.  I will not be able to do what she did, but I

As I began writing about the spring feasts, I was asked if our family celebrates Purim.  The answer to that question is sometimes. Let me explain. What is Purim? Purim is a holiday that is celebrated at the end of the book of Esther.  So, let’s go there and see what the Bible says… Esther

I was asked how our family celebrates the Passover each year.  I thought I would share my answer here for anyone else who may be curious about it. As for how our family celebrates Passover, we try to stick to scripture over tradition. Therefore, we have tried to keep it simple.  We begin reading the

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