Category: Popular Posts

So here is the picture that we saw on the ultrasound screen today.  I truly have no idea what I am going to do because I was sure it was a girl this time.  So, Jeremy and I had some great girl name ideas picked out, and absolutely no boy names even considered.  So, now what

  Today is Davey’s tenth birthday.  Wow, in many ways it seems it was just yesterday that we went to get him in California.  Yet at the same time, it seems he has been home with us always.  In these last few years, I have seen God work miracle after miracle in this happy little

This month, as I have been driving my three oldest back and forth to driver’s education classes, I couldn’t help but marvel at the work God has done in my oldest son’s life. I remember so clearly the day he came home to us, I remember the days he left and then returned again. I

Additions made on 7/20/12 Got the call this morning that Jeremy’s grandma finally went from this earth into the eternal presence of the Lord.  It has been a rough couple of weeks following her stroke, as her family has gently and lovingly cared for her.  Since we live so far away it has been hard

Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck. Proverbs 1:8-9 Often I hear from people when they find out that I home school, wow, I could never do that, I am not a teacher, how do you

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