Category: Family

The names in my familly all have a name from the Bible, some of us even have two. The first names in my family from oldest to youngest are: Katherine (mom), Jeremy(dad), Daniel, Tyler (me), Rachel, Lydia, Brenden (Bubba), Rebekah (Bekah), Jeremiah (Miah), Joshua (Josh), Zachery (Zach), and Robert (Davey) our newest brother. The middle

First for school I had to make a poem. My poem was about a rainy day. It was; the rain is leaking. down the foggy dark gray road. downpour rain dark sky.

I have been thinking about life and how it can be so NOT what we planned. Sometimes that is a good thing. Like I never planned to have nine kids by the time I was 35, but what a blessing God has given me. On the other hand, it can not be so good. Like

Recently while cleaning out the library, I came across an old journal. In this journal from 1998, is a letter I wrote and shared with others. I thought I would add this letter to our blog. Here it is: Dear Friend, This letter is for you from the Lord Our God. This letter is for

WOW! Can it truly already be 2008? How exciting that we have enjoyed another year as a family. Last month, Jeremy and I celebrated our 14th anniversary. We are so blessed to have a marriage that the Lord truly reigns in. This past year was so great as a couple and as a family. We,

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