Category: Family

Whenever I go out of those with all twelve of my kids, I get asked this question. “Are they all yours?” Sometimes it is asked in a different way, like “Did you bring the whole neighborhood today? or “Do you run a daycare?” Sometimes, people say, “His,Yours and ours?” But, no matter how they ask,

Often in my mind, there are several trains of thought running in all sorts of directions. So for the next few weeks, I am going to focus on just two of these trains. One is how to answer the many often asked and sometimes not so often asked questions about being a big family, and

Hi! it’s Lydia again, I want to tell you about my new brother Stephen. He is very cute and fussy. He eats lot. He sleeps a lot too. On Thursday the fifth, Stephen was born. On Friday, we went to see him at the hospital. Some of us got to hold him. On Saturday we

Here is a copy of our family Thanksgiving letter: Dear Friends and family, Happy Thanksgiving! I love this holiday. In fact, it is my favorite time of year. I love the fall season with school starting, the leaves changing colors, apples and pumpkins, and cool weather for baking. I also, love Thanksgiving because it is

I’m getting braces. WHEN: January 12 2009 WHERE: Lansing Mi. WHO:DR. John. B. Faust. WHY:My teeth are very crooked. HOW DO I FEEL:excited,scared,worried,and sad. WHY DO I FEEL EXCITED: Because I get to show everybody my braces. WHY DO I FEEL SCARED: Because what if the braces fall off and I have to get them

Last week my sisters and I were playing in the leaves. First we raked the leaves into a leaf pile. Then a cat jumped in the leaf pile and got all buried except it’s face. So we took a picture. Then we decided to take more pictures of people and cats in the leaf pile.

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