Category: Family

Our wonderful landlord had crushed cement delivered yesterday for our windy driveway.  Brenden was hired to spread it.  I didn’t think to take pics til halfway through.  But here is a few shots of him and his crew hard at work.Jer took all the big kids to a music/art festival, so it is just Brenden

It is less than five weeks until baby boys due date.  Our garden is growing large, and we are busy teaching and learning new things this summer.  Here is a few pictures of our garden now.   Garden Boxes, great for lettuce and onions.  Hot peppers in garden boxes.  Green beans.  We cut the lettuce yesterday, and

This video was shared last night during our lesson on Colossians, by our pastor.  I have to say it made me think good and hard about how I feel about the church (all of her).  I don’t know about you, but often I find people to be annoying, and I just would rather not deal

Recently, a few of my friends have called my family a mega family.  At first, I was like no we aren’t that big.  You see since God blessed me with my kids, mostly, one at a time, I never realized how big we are.  It is just everyday life here.  I guess though since, we

Recently another homeschool asked about family closet.  So, I thought  would try and share about our family closet experience.  We decided to create a family closet a few years ago.  In the house we were living in at that time, there was a small den right next to the laundry room.  We bought some metal

Does Scripture ever overwhelm you?  It does me.  You know those verse with “always,” “never,” and “everything.”  Here I will give you a few examples of the ones that ALWAYS seem to get me. 1 Thessalonians 5:14-18” We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15 See that

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