Category: 40 days of Prayers for my Husband

Abba Father, What a great day to ask for rest and peace for my husband.  As we prepare our house and meals for sabbath, I love to take this day to prepare my heart and mind for a day of rest.  I ask that you would help Jeremy to value your Sabbath day and to

In the book today, I wasn’t tracking with the writer.  I think she was praying about her husband’s heart condition and allowing “familiar” spirits in his life.  So, I am going to go with that.  A passage I often think of when talking about our spiritual and mental state is a teaching of Yeshua that

I love when Yehovah speaks a word to use in several different ways.  My children and I are using an Advent story book to prepare our hearts for Sukkot.  So, we read a chapter each morning, and the application part uses prophecies from the book Isaiah that point to Yeshua as the promised Messiah.  So,

Yehovah is a God of order and discipline.  Recently, my daughters have been sharing their health goals with me.  I love that they share their lives, thoughts, ideas, struggles, and joys with me.  It is a constant goal of mine to be a good steward of the earthly body that my Creator gave me.  I

Yesterday, I reminded myself and anyone else that is reading these prayers that as we pray the Word it is not a magic spell or chant that we are doing.  The words that we take out of Scripture to use in our prayers are not even always in context as we apply them to our

Today’s focus is on a deep love and desire for God’s Word.  For as long as I can remember this has been a prayer that the Spirit placed on my heart for myself, and then for my children.  I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, I would pray that she would have

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