Category: Torah/Bible

Ten Tips to help you on your Bible reading Journey Some of the Hirn’s have taken the 90 day challenge before, and wanted to share some tips we think might help you on your journey.   1.  Have a plan.   Choose a good reading plan.  It doesn’t have to be the one we are

Over the last few years I have learned a great deal by reading through the Bible from front to back, several times.  We at our house encourage our children to read through the Bible every year.  But we have decided to do something exciting and fun.  We have decided to read through the Bible from

What do you mean Torah Observant? Most of our friends and family have observed the changes our family has made over the last few years, and some of them have wondered what is up. Changes like not celebrating holidays, observing the Sabbath, and not eating pork. Just to mention the most obvious ones. Some have

So these last couple of weeks our senior pastor has being preaching on Mark chapter 13. This is an awesome passage of scripture that happens to be mistaught often. So, it has been a real pleasure to listen to Pastor Bob, simply proclaim the truth of what this passage is saying. During these same few

This last Monday (Memorial Day), I had the privilege to visit with one of my favorite Vietnam Vets.  This dear friend/relative has always been a joy to visit with.  I met him many years after he served our country.  I did not know him when he came home from that terrible war, but I know

All week my heart has been heavy.  I have been so burdened for the lost people of our world.  There are still so many people groups in the world who have not even heard the name of Jesus.  But, this is not the only lost souls of the world.  Here in our country so many

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