Category: Torah/Bible

Do you want to know about Passover?  Do you celebrate Easter?  Have you ever wondered where the name Easter came from?  Where is Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday in the Bible? These are questions my husband started asking me about 26 years ago.  He grew up doing Easter with decorated eggs and the Easter Bunny

This morning as my children and I discussed the calendar, I couldn’t help but get excited that it is most likely going to be a New Year this next Monday. Yes, I said the new year is yet to begin. Are you starting to wonder if I am confused? I am not.  Let me explain.

When I was younger, especially when I was a young mom, I worried a lot.  I worried if I was a good wife, I worried if I was a good daughter, I worried if I was a good sister, I worried if I was a good Christian, I worried if I was “good enough.”  I

Recently, some friends of mine, were told they we no longer “saved” because they stopped going to church on Sunday.  My friends had not denied that Yeshua is the son of God, and the promised Messiah.  In fact, the reason they stopped going to Sunday church was because they realized they needed to obey the

I decided to continue with my advice to my daughter’s on how to have a successful marriage.  I mentioned in my last post how I really would have loved a few more wise people speaking into my early years of marriage.  Jeremy and I have been married now for almost 27 years.  In these later

  Often we are told that Jesus told us not to judge others in Matthew 7.    In fact Matthew 7:1 is often quoted,” Judge not least you be judged.”  That is exactly what that verse does say, in fact it goes on to say the following in verse 3-5.   Matthew 7:3-5 (NASB) 3 Why

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