Category: Torah/Bible

Recently, on social media there have been people sharing an image of umbrellas without Bible verses that represent a Biblical model of marriage.  (I will include image below.)  There are some sharing the image and saying, “yes, yes, this is Biblical marriage,” and there are others saying, “no, no, this is cultic teaching.” Below is

As a mom, I am always thinking of things I want to teach my children, and discussions I want to have with them.  Life moves so fast, and my children grow up so very fast.  I hope I have spoken all the words they need to hear up to this point in their lives, and

Recently, we had a family move from several states away to come join our local fellowship (church, if you will).  That seems like a radical decision to make.  But in reality, it is one of the wisest things we can do for our family, our children.  Having a place to meet weekly on Sabbath, as

When I was a child, I attended many different denominations of Christian churches, primarily, Nazarene and United Methodist.  In these different congregations, the concept of fasting was often taught around Easter time, during the time of Lent.  The teachings always were very similar, fasting is giving up something to show God you’re serious about whatever

(Originally written in September 2016, updated September 2022) A few years ago our family started slowing adding the observance of Yehovah’s feasts into our lives.  When we first started it was so hard to know what to do. What are the Biblical feasts? When are the feasts? Where do we celebrate them? Who should celebrate

Why should I keep Sabbath? Because the Bible tells me so!!  Sabbath points us back to the Creator: Genesis 1-3  Yehovah God created rest: Genesis 2:2-3  It’s the Fourth Commandment of the Big Ten: Exodus 20  Yehovah wrote it with His own finger in stone: Exodus 16  It’s a symbol of our salvation: Exodus 31:17  We

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