Category: Family

Over the last few years, I have been surprised at the requests I have had to write this book or that book.  But, I always just laugh and say if I ever write a book it will be about adoption.  I may never write a book of my own, but I have decided to start

Yehovah’s ways are not our ways.  This is a verse, I have heard all my life, yet for some reason I am always surprised by the way He does things.  For example, when Jeremy and I married and talked about having a big family, and about helping other families through foster care,  we never planned to adopt

Recently, a lot of friends have been concerned about their child’s schooling and over all behavior, specifically those in the adolescent years.  I have also struggled with my children during those difficult developmental years, and totally understand their frustration.  A few years ago, after adopting a child with severe brain injury, I began doing lots

  Recently people are wondering what we believe, so in an attempted to answer these questions I have tried to make a sort of statement of our faith. Our hope is that you will read all the scriptures below to truly understand what we believe. Our beliefs have come out of years of reading the

As we come to the close of another summer of serving with CEF, I can’t help but wonder why more churches and families don’t partner with this awesome organization.  I think it might be in part not knowing who they are and what they do.  When I was young, I thought they were a part of

What do you mean Torah Observant? Most of our friends and family have observed the changes our family has made over the last few years, and some of them have wondered what is up. Changes like not celebrating holidays, observing the Sabbath, and not eating pork. Just to mention the most obvious ones. Some have

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