Category: Katie’s Ramblings

When I get an idea to write about something, and blog it is for me that I write.  I like blogging to remember my thoughts, and to help me process and think through things.  I find most writers and speakers first audience is themselves.  If you attend church and hear a message/sermon, the best teachings

Read Philippians 4 When I was a young married mom, I was always a stressed out mom.  I worried about money all the time.  I worried about being a good wife and mother.  I worried about letting God down, and letting others down.  My husband and I felt called to foster children and support families

Read Ephesians 5 When I was a child I couldn’t read.  I struggled in learning to read due to being a very hyper and busy child, and severely dyslexic.  My mom and sisters love to read and were always reading book after book.  Daily my mom and older sister would read their Bible and study

When I was younger, one of my nicknames was Katie, the cleaning lady.  I recently had a dream that I was in charge of cleaning everything.  I mean everything.  Also, in the dream I was envious of the people singing in the choir, and considered joining the choir rather than doing my job as the

(Please read Romans 12)  ( I want to make it very, very, very clear that there are people who are evil and set on doing evil, and no matter how much you love them you can not trust them or remain living with them, a true narcissist is incapable of change, because he does not

Recently, I had a dream that when I woke I not only remembered every detail of the dream, but I heard clearly as I woke the Lord say to me, this dream has many meanings.  I shared this dream with a friend, my daughters, and my husband to see what they thought of it. I

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