Author: Katie

I was very excited to read this story yesterday and even more excited to be blogging about it. The story of Joseph is one of my favorites so without further a doo,  my thoughts on  Genesis  32-43. Note how Reuben did not want to kill Joseph (Genesis 37:21;22) , he just wanted to harm him and

First, I just want to say, “Good Job” to everyone who is sticking with the challenge . I know it is not always easy, but it is worth it. Ok, now that I got that done with, I actually have to choose what I want to write about. There is just so much and I

   Day 1. Genesis 1-18 So, we read 18 chapters of the Bible. It was a lot to take in but it was a lot of fun too! Reading the Bible is so awesome! Every time I read the Bible, I get something new out of it! I was reading and I saw the words

If you would like to download the 90-Day Bible Reading Schedule, you can do it by clicking here.  

Ten Tips to help you on your Bible reading Journey Some of the Hirn’s have taken the 90 day challenge before, and wanted to share some tips we think might help you on your journey.   1.  Have a plan.   Choose a good reading plan.  It doesn’t have to be the one we are

Over the last few years I have learned a great deal by reading through the Bible from front to back, several times.  We at our house encourage our children to read through the Bible every year.  But we have decided to do something exciting and fun.  We have decided to read through the Bible from

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